I feed my dogs and puppies Life's Abundance All Life's Stages Dog Food, treats, and supplements. I have seen incredible results not just in my dogs, but in those that I have recommended it to. Results include: Softer, shinier coats, allergies reduced, limping gone, weight loss, more energy, firm stools and less of it!
*Life's Abundance can only be ordered online. Please make sure to have it before picking your puppy up. You will not
be able to pick up your puppy if I have not received a confirmation email from Life's Abundance confirming you have placed your order..

I do not feed puppy food. All Desert Sun puppies are fed this food starting between 3-4 weeks of age all the way through adulthood.
Life's Abundance All Lifes Stages Dog Food

This makes a great treat and gives your puppy something to chew on, especially when teething, or if you need some down time.
Life's Abundance Bully Sticks

Who doesn't want a soft coat that smells good? Mango and Kiwi scented. This will be the amazing smell your puppy will have at pick up time.
Life's Abundance Shampoo

Does your dog have dirty ears? Now there is a gentle way to keep them clean and smelling good.
Life's Abundance Ear Cleaner

Get your dog off to a great start with a Healthy Start Pack. This includes all the items above I recommend plus more.
All Life's Stages Healthy Start
I am a Independent Field Representative for Life's Abundance Dog Food. I have tried many different brands of
dog food over the years, and am very pleased with the results I am seeing in my dogs while being on Life's
Abundance food. I would be happy to discuss any questions you may have in regards to not only the food, but the
treats, different supplements, etc. Life's Abundance has to offer.
If purchasing a puppy, please make sure to buy a bag of Life's Abundance All Life's Stages dog food before
picking your puppy up. It can only be purchased online and will be delivered to your door.


30"-36" dog crate

dog bed

dog dishes

No Spill Water Bowl

Dog collar and leash, 8"-12" collar to start

elk antlers

pin brush

slicker brush

toenail clippers

pooper scooper

poop bags